Saturday, May 16, 2015

Stressed Beyond Belief.

Dear Stress,

Let's break up.  

I am very sorry to inform you that YOU have been giving me these excruciating headaches every day of the week. I have had an ice pack on my head, Advil on my bedside table, and tears running down my face for way, way, way too long. Are you satisfied? You make my life miserable.

Let's rehash how this week has gone...

Monday- You were present for my:
  • First period Math quiz
  • Second period History test
  • And my last period Spanish presentation 
Tuesday- There you were in my 
  • Chemistry lab
  • In-class English essay 
  • And my cold, cold shower after swimming in Gym class 
Wednesday and Thursday- Thanks for really kicking up your intensity!

  • Had to miss all my important classes for the AP English test 
  • Squeeze in time for homework
  • And go to soccer with a black&blue, swollen ankle 
Now, we have reached Friday! "TGIF???" More like, "WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE?!?!"

Your Fellow Headache Sufferer

Feeling stressed. 

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