Saturday, May 16, 2015

Day 30

  1. Date-  May 30th, 2015
  2. Time of day- 12:00 p.m. (lunchtime)
  3. Duration of pain- 30 minutes
  4. Location of pain- front of forehead
  5. Description of pain (1-10 scale)- 5 1/2 (moderate)
  6. # of hours of sleep night before- 4
  7. Food + drink consumption- no time for breakfast :/
  8. Over-the-counter medication + effectiveness- Advil--->yes
  9. Symptoms- sore neck, general feeling of tightness in forehead

And, here it is folks. The last day has finally arrived for my headache journaling. For the past 30 days, I have recorded all that was requested of me. I believe that my diagnosis should be clear as day now that I can give an overview of my headaches to my baffled neurologist. No more long pauses, furrowed brows, or blank stares in my neurologist appointments. No more sleepless nights, chronic irritability, or feelings of a vise squeezing my brain. If I haven't made it obvious enough, I am ready for change! I am ready to go through a month without one headache! Just because of how antsy I have been getting, leading up to my appointment in TWO DAYS, I did some research to get some insight prior to receiving my professional diagnosis. I don't want to give away too much... but let's just say this journal is an exact representation of one headache in particular. 

Feeling proactive. 

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